About Val!

Val Sullivan is a Massachusetts based painter, crafter + workshop host that specializes in making bright, colorful art. Known for her rainbow-inspired palette, her goal is to make your inner child smile whenever you see her work. She believes the world needs more color + her art aims to bring that to as many people as she can.

Val has been making art since she was a child, but started her creative company in the height of the pandemic in 2020. She dove into painting and building her creative business head first while battling postpartum anxiety, using painting as an outlet and medium to bring joy and levity in unprecedented times.

With each new work and creative endeavor she embarks on, Val strives to prove that expressing your creativity + authenticity is a vital part in creating a more joyful world. 

Artist Statement

I began creating art as a young child and always felt creating was a large part of the reason I am here on earth. I am inspired by bright, joyful and happy palettes and believe we all need more color and levity in our lives.

When I create art, my goal is to bring you back to the peaceful innocence you felt as a child and remind you to have fun. Most of my work is created intuitively with no plan before I put brush (or spray can) to canvas. In many ways, my work is an attempt to remind myself and others that it is okay to be free and at peace with not always knowing what the future holds.

My process varies, but I typically layer several mediums on canvas to create depth. I love creating work that surprises the viewer when they spot a new layer and undiscovered detail each time they see it. Much like meditation, I aim to help my audience get lost and forget their worries when enjoying my work.